Best advice on how to treat psoriasis from the inside

Psoriasis is a difficult disease to treat because it is still not well understood. Despite this, there are many treatments that have been developed although there is no “cure” yet. There are also many natural psoriasis treatments that have been shown to be very effective for many psoriasis patients in preventing psoriasis flare-ups. One of … Read more

Gluten intolerance often leads to psoriasis and eczema

Several recently published articles have confirmed an association between patients with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity who also have psoriasis and eczema, and that gluten sensitivity runs in the family.[1]. These studies are finally revealing something people who have chosen a gluten-free lifestyle have known for years. Skin disorders can be caused by gluten sensitivity … Read more

You must read HGH- A Cure for Psoriasis

The skin is the largest sense organ in the body. It’s the part visible to others and the part you have to take care of. Healthy, radiant skin is also an indicator of a healthy body in general. However, even if you think you are healthy, you cannot avoid getting a skin disease especially if … Read more

Is zinc deficiency a cause of psoriasis?

A study in the British Journal of Dermatology found that many of their patients with psoriasis had a significant zinc deficiency. Zinc is important for its antioxidant benefits that are essential for healthy skin. I’m going to take a look at why zinc is good for your skin and what steps you can take if … Read more

Why don’t the Eskimos get psoriasis?

Why don't the Eskimos get psoriasis?

Hint: The answer lies in the special Eskimo diet – Fish. When you look at the psoriasis statistics across all nationalities and ethnicities, one group immediately jumps out as special—the Eskimos. Compared to mostly everyone else, their incidence of psoriasis is remarkably low. only 1% Many Eskimos are affected by this debilitating skin disorder, but … Read more

Colostrum can help treat psoriasis

Colostrum can help treat psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition. A person with psoriasis will have very dry, scaly skin that changes color and develops into open breaks and sores. Psoriasis is a condition that affects thousands of people, often causing them serious problems. Psoriasis can be painful and embarrassing. With psoriasis, one’s skin becomes visibly flaky and is often … Read more

Phenomena and symptoms of psoriasis

Phenomena and symptoms of psoriasis

There are 3 main phenomena or symptoms of psoriasis, which can be detected by scraping psoriatic plaques: – “spot stearin” phenomenon – when scraping the surface of psoriatic plaque, silvery-white scales will appear that look like stearin – a tasteless and odorless substance used in soap making, etc. – The “final film” phenomenon (also known … Read more