Step 1, 2 and 3 tanning lotions explained

When you’re shopping for suntan lotions, you might get confused by certain numbers and letters in the product description or name. For example, some preparations contain “X“After a set number of bronzers, which stands for an ‘additional’ boost of color in the bronzer. In terms of tanning lotions, you might see”Step 1orStep 2somewhere on the bottle. But don’t let the numbers and letters confuse you when you’re in the market for a new tanning lotion! All you need to do is learn the difference between these three steps, and then you’ll be one step closer to your perfect tan!

Tanning step by step

Steps 1, 2, and 3 refer to the type and strength of the tanning lotion. You may notice these labels in the description on the bottle. Each step offers different benefits in terms of skin tone and skin care. This is why it is generally used in conjunction with another move as well. Not using one with the other is like using shampoo, not conditioner. The lotions work together to achieve a natural-looking, even skin tone in a short period of time. Once you understand what each step represents, you’ll be able to build a deep, long-lasting tan in no time at all! Keep reading for some details on each lotion, and how they work together to give you color and glow.

Step 1: Tanning lotion

Step 1 Tanning Lotion is designed for first stage applications. This means that they are formulated to help build an initial tan. In other words, the tanning in Step 1 produces a base tan, which is essential for developing a richer, deeper color later on. They stimulate the skin to produce melanin, the body’s natural pigment maker, while at the same time providing adequate moisture. If you have fair skin, or haven’t tanned in a long time, it’s suggested to use this step to safely build up a base color first. Once you have your base tan, you need to move on to the next step of the lotion. The Step 1 moisturizer will not be effective without the Step 2 lotion along with it.

Step 2 Tanning Lotion

Step 2 lotions are the next step after using First Degree Tanner to build a tan base. If you already tan naturally, you can start with step 2 moisturizer, then move on to step three. Step Two Tanner is designed to nourish the skin. It deeply penetrates the skin with amino acids, minerals and many other beneficial nutrients. These nutrients, along with additional ingredients, help produce a deep, long-lasting tan. Many second step lotions come in several levels of “Twitchingwhich further stimulates the skin to produce more color. It is recommended to start with a lower level of tingling if you have sensitive skin or have not used it before.

Step 3 Tanning

Step 3 tanning lotions are interesting because they are not necessarily a color product, but rather a color-preserving one. Usually these are moisturizers that nourish the skin after tanning. Tanning reduces the moisture levels in our skin over time, so it is essential to moisturize it regularly with an appropriate product to promote healthy skin.

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