whitening lotion

Do you know what is a whitening lotion? It is a lotion used to lighten the skin, whatever the reason. Some use a whitening lotion to help lighten dark spots left by acne and pimples. Others use this stuff to lighten their skin in general, as in some cultures it is seen as beautiful. Some prefer oil-free lotions, while others, who have drier skin, prefer oily lotions. The lotion industry, from hemp lotions to bronzers to hair lotions, has been taking off lately. With a markup rate of up to 2000%, it’s no wonder! Low material costs and high prices, along with a lot of good marketing, have sent the industry soaring. Maybe it’s time to get ourselves into the formulation industry, right?


If you don’t want to go out and buy lotion, making your own is an option. A bleaching lotion, lucky for us, is not very complicated and does not require large machinery and equipment. First, you’re going to take a few tablespoons of chickpea flour, and you’re going to put it in a medium bowl. Next you should stir in a nice teaspoon of turmeric powder. If you do not know where to find them, these items can be found at any of your local foreign spice shops or Indian spice shop. After mixing these ingredients well, you will add 5 to 10 drops of lemon in the mix. It is the acidic properties of lemon that will help in lightening your complexion. But be careful not to add too many drops of lemon, as large amounts of lemon can damage the skin, especially on a face that has thinner skin. Add some fresh cream from your fridge, mix it up and apply it all over your body and face!

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