I Drink Slippery Elm Tea for Psoriasis – Do You?

As its name suggests, Slippery Elm tea is known for how sticky, sticky, and gummy it can get; But what many people don’t know is that it is a great herbal remedy for psoriasis! Since I started drinking it, my psoriasis has never been better – but why does it help?

First, a little about its history. Native to eastern North America, Slippery Elm is a deciduous tree with small green leaves and an inner bark worth its weight in gold.

The first people to recognize its medicinal properties were the Native Americans, who discovered that mixing the inner bark with water produced a gluey gel that expanded and turned into a thick salve. This is because the inner bark contains a resinous substance. They tried rubbing it on skin cuts and abrasions and lo and behold – they were healed! They also discovered that when it dries and hardens, it acts as a natural bandage.

Over time, English settlers noticed how Native Americans used the tree and began applying the mixture themselves. They rubbed it on cold sores and boils to prevent them from getting infected. It was even more valuable during the American Revolution, when soldiers used it as an antiseptic gel to treat their wartime injuries! To recap, it has been used throughout its history to treat skin conditions, as well as other ailments — but what does this mean for psoriasis?

Slippery Elm Tea Helps Treat Psoriasis…and There’s Proof!

In 2004, the Department of Human Nutrition at University of Hawaii He conducted a study to see if nutritional therapy could be used to treat psoriasis. As part of the study, they directed 5 patients with plaque psoriasis to make dietary changes and drink Slippery Elm tea, and the results were indisputable! They found that over a six-month period, all patients experienced improvements in intestinal permeability and psoriasis. On average, pre and post PASI test scores decreased from 18.2 to 8.7… which translates to a 50% reduction in psoriasis symptoms. I’m sure they were all high!

Furthermore, apart from scientific studies, there are hundreds if not thousands of testimonials and personal stories advocating the use of Slippery Elm bark for psoriasis. Two of the most notable figures who discovered its use for psoriasis were Edgar Cayce, a psychologist who gave readings to patients in the early 1900s, and Dr. Pagano who authored the bestselling Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative. By following the advice of these two people, many psoriasis patients have treated or healed their red, scaly skin.

Delicious slippery elm tea recipe

The best way to use Slippery Elm is to buy bark powder. Inner Bark is the best – don’t accept capsules, lozenges, or bags of outer bark, because they’re more or less a waste of money. While you can add it to food while preparing a meal, I find making the following tea 3 times a day is quick and easy:

Pour 1 tablespoon of elm bark powder into a cup

– Fill with boiling water

Add a little sweetener (not too much!)

Add a little light coconut milk, almond milk or goat milk.

Sprinkle on a little cinnamon and nutmeg

Wait 2 to 3 minutes

Take your first sip

This tea may take some time to get used to the taste, but it is worth it. It will coat the mucous membranes of your digestive tract and help you heal from the inside, thus improving your psoriasis from the outside. Slippery Elm is a must if diet is a contributing factor to your psoriasis, so go turn on the kettle and make a cup as soon as you can!

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