Dealing with itchy penis skin: Soothe psoriasis with shea butter

Men with psoriasis often have to deal with the uncomfortable itching, scaling, and red skin patches that come with this chronic condition. It’s an annoying and sometimes embarrassing problem, and as if itching and flaking of the arms weren’t bad enough, some men even develop patches of red, itchy penis skin.

When it comes to sensitive penile skin, some men may hesitate to use steroid creams or other types of medications that are commonly used to treat this problem, so what other options are there? Fortunately, there are natural options to help reduce the symptoms of penile psoriasis and maintain penile health; These are things any man can feel good about using.

Does below the belt always psoriasis itch?

Some men may experience itching below the belt and wonder if their symptoms warrant a psoriasis diagnosis. While it’s a good idea to make a trip to the dermatologist to get checked out for any persistent itching or skin condition, here are the symptoms that could indicate psoriasis:

  1. peeling of the skin;
  2. Inflammation and redness of the skin.
  3. thick patches of skin that may be red, white, or silver in color;
  4. a rash-like appearance that may bleed easily if rubbed or scratched;
  5. some red bumps that spread into larger spots;
  6. Seizures caused by stress, medication, smoking or drinking alcohol.

Since many of these symptoms can indicate many issues, it is really best to get a professional opinion before embarking on a course of treatment.

What are the treatment options for psoriasis?

Depending on the severity of the condition, there are several treatments that your doctor may recommend. Many patients may need to try different options to find the best course of treatment for them.

  • Topical treatments: Some men find relief from itching and redness with topical steroid creams or ointments. These creams contain ingredients such as: salicylic acid, retinoids, coal tar and anthralin, which in some cases men find irritating to the skin of the penis.
  • Phototherapy: A common treatment for moderate to severe psoriasis is phototherapy, which uses special UVA or UVB lights in a carefully controlled environment to help clear up the lesions. Some patients experience negative side effects from this type of treatment, including an increased risk of skin cancer.
  • Laser treatment: This type of treatment uses specialized lasers to treat psoriasis patches on the skin without affecting the health of the skin. Although the side effects and risks may be less than those from light therapy, some men are still fickle when it comes to aiming the laser at the penis.
  • Oral: For individuals with severe psoriasis, oral medications may be needed. Psoriasis is caused by an overactive immune system, which is what oral medications seek to target. Many medications have serious side effects, making them a last-resort treatment option.
  • Natural remedies: Given the number of side effects and risks that can come with drugstore treatments for psoriasis, many men are seeking natural remedies and treatments—especially when it comes to their most sensitive skin—the skin of the penis. Natural options include products with tea tree oil, oatmeal baths, aloe vera, shea butter, and vitamin e.

Soothing penis skin care

Men who want to go the natural route may benefit from choosing a special formula Vitamin Penis Cream Which contains Shea Butter, Vitamin E and other carefully selected nutrients to keep the penis healthy (Most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Using a product like this daily can help reduce psoriasis symptoms and keep them at bay, which can lead to clearer, healthier penis skin in no time. Not only can the applicator oil improve skin health, the rich moisturizing cream also soothes contact to relieve itchy, irritated skin.

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